Friday, March 5, 2010

My Health, Nutrition and Fitness Background

Welcome to my personal health, nutrition and fitness tips. My aim is to provide valuable information which can, assist in making educated decisions to ensure a healthy lifestyle. I will be taking you on a Journey as I improve my own health and fitness.

Firstly, my life up until now. As a child and teenager I was extremely active, taking part in a number of sports from swimming, netball, touch football and cross country running. Having a competitive streak, gave me the motivation to go as hard as I could to achieve results.
After I finished school, I went to university and got a Bachelor of Human Movement Science Degree, as I have always been interested in health and fitness. However during uni, my amount of physical activity was reduced and replaced with socialising, drinking a lot of alcohol and not eating as healthy as one should. This left me with a few extra kilos.
My first job after uni was an Outdoor Activity Instructor, where I was kayaking, rock climbing, hiking and more. Needless to say I had become very active and lost a lot of weight. Although I was fit from all the activity, I was not healthy as such because my diet was not substantial. After 3 and half years doing a job I loved, it was time to move on in order to have a healthy well balanced lifestyle.

Next I coached gymnastics, which was great as I have always been fascinated with gymnastics. I was able to continue being reasonably active, with plenty of stretching, and strength activities. It also gave me the freedom to eat proper well balanced meals. The only problem was that it was a part time job. I needed something permanent.
Finally I got a position working full time at a Health Retreat which was exactly what I was looking for. I was able to eat a well balanced diet and exercise. After a year and a half at the retreat I finished up and had a beautiful baby boy.

I breast fed him for 16months and was trying to eat as healthy as possible for his sake, which kept me at a reasonable weight. However I was not exercising regularly, and had lost motivation to get up off my butt to do anything more than a leisurely walk with my little one. Well that was until now and he is 3 and a half years old................

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